Does he care about your goals?



Women are often looking for someone they can build their life with, someone they can bounce ideas, random thoughts and goals off of, better yet someone with similar goals  as her own.  We want to feel protected safe and loved.

PROD-Selling-or-buying-a-houseWe aspire to find the right guy to start a future with, whether it’s building a house together or getting married and starting a family… Sadly in the current dating climate when girls and some guys try to talk to someone they see a potential future with they’re met with responses such as;


“I’m not interested in your goals.” Or “I don’t really have plans for the future I’m just going with the flow”


If the person you’re dating is like this! Pack your bags and run hunty!



If a guy doesn’t have any plans for his own future!

YoU ThInK He GoNnA pLaN a FUtUre WiTh yOu?



Him not showing any interest in your goals or tying to comfort you in times of need speaks volumes. Sometimes we allow people to treat us as they please because we think we don’t deserve him/her. If this is your way of thinking you need to take a look in the mirror and tell yourself “I deserve better, I’m Worthy of real love”.




Your goals matter, your dreams matter your crazy late night ideas Matter. Find someone who will be happy to listen to them.

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