Get out of my mind!



thinking about you

You ever felt like someone packed up their stuff and moved into your head? Yh, I know the feeling as well.  When you’re constantly thinking about someone; “I wonder what he’s doing.”  “I hope he had lunch today.” “I wonder how his day is going.” There are times you’ll even relive moments shared together or completely make up scenarios in your mind and watch it play out.


If you’re having this problem it’s safe to say you probably have feelings for this person.


We’ve all been there at some point in time, having feelings for someone can feel like a full time job sometimes. But that’s just love and it’s great, especially when it’s reciprocated. Knowing someone cares about you and is looking out for your best interest is amazing. Sharing your thoughts with the person you love having cute texts or cute little moments when you’re together and making memories together is very fulfilling.



One_Sided_Love_Quotes5The down side of love is one-sided love…. This is when one person wants more from the relationship or one person has feelings and the other don’t. That’s when the bad thoughts kick in; “Does he think about me?” “I wonder if he’ll ever ask me out” “Other girls are probably throwing themselves at him, he’s gonna leave me” “He’ll never be with me”.


If you’re in this situation you may feel trapped because you have this person in your


head bringing negative energy because you’re longing to have their attention and their love but it’s barely given. Therefore it’s causing a lot of sadness and self-doubt.




Hunty!! give that Man an EVICTION notice and have him leave your brain at once!! Start thinking less of him and try to focus on yourself, your needs and your goals. I know it’s easier said than done but give it a try!

crown slipping


~Don’t let someone take up room in your mind and heart if they aren’t paying rent. Your time and feelings have value stop wasting it on someone who’s taking it for granted. There’s a king out there waiting to treat you like a queen. Don’t lose hope ❤ ~




I hope you enjoyed this post!

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*I don’t own the rights to any of the pictures used.*

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