Maybe he’ll love me if I lose weight.

Let’s start this topic with two scenarios.


Scenario A

Girl-A: I don’t feel comfortable letting people see certain parts of my body, I just feel like they might be turned off if they do.

Guy-A: Well maybe you should lose weight; if you feel bad about a certain part of your body you should change it.

Girl-A: I guess.

Scenario B

Girl-B: I don’t feel comfortable letting people see certain parts of my body, I just feel like they might be turned off if they do.


Guy-B: There’s nothing wrong with you! You have no reason to feel self-conscious you’re perfect. But if this is really bothering you you can try to fix it.

Girl-B: Yh I think I need to start working out.

Guy-B: Okay great I’ll workout with you as well


Girls wouldn’t it be great to have a guy like the one in scenario B.

every inchFirstly what Guy A said was not horrible. It’s how he said it. Before telling a girl she should lose weight you must first let her know your intentions are pure and for her benefit only. Society is already putting pressure on her to meet its beauty standards she shouldn’t have to feel pressured by the one she loves as well. She’s gonna start feeling like you’re not going to like her if she doesn’t lose weight. So by telling her she’s beautiful and ensuring that she knows you love her regardless is the best way to approach this situation.



Secondly offering to workout with her or if you’re athlete training her will be a major PLUS!!! You’ll not only get to spend time together learning about your strengths and weaknesses but you’ll also get to make new memories with your partner. Make it fun but also push each other to the limit.



mirrorLastly learn to love and embrace your partner at any and every size, beauty fades and weight is not a constant variable. Loving someone based on their beauty or size is not LOVE its LUST the feeling will not last forever; therefore you’ll only scratch the surface of what a person has to offer. However if you dig a little deeper and learn a person’s personality, hear their stories, their aspirations, see their good and the bad you’ll not only fall in love with them as a person you’ll also fall in love with their soul and that’s eternal.

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